Law, Policy, and Engineering

Law, Policy, and Engineering

Interdisciplinary education and transdisciplinary research, engagement and service aimed at addressing complex societal challenges.

Pursue your interests and ambitions.

Do you want to become a world-class transdisciplinary researcher studying topics at the intersection of law, policy and engineering while earning your doctorate? Perhaps you seek to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies to understand and apply tech theory, policy and practice; policy for science and science for policy; and complex systems with the goal of driving innovation and change? Are you considering exploring or preparing for an alternative or policy-oriented career? Do you desire hands-on, experiential learning opportunities to build and practice your policy-oriented skills and competencies?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes, you've found the right place.

LPE is a uniquely interdisciplinary educational and transdisciplinary research, engagement, and service program at the interface of law, policy and engineering.